HMCTS Operational Summary 30 March 2020
HMCTS Operational Summary: 30 March 2020
- We’re consolidating the work of courts and tribunals into fewer buildings – some are open to the public, some buildings are staffed but are not open to the public, and some courts are suspended and the buildings are temporarily closed.
- We’ve published updated guidance on security, cleaning and social-distancing arrangements in court and tribunal buildings during the coronavirus pandemic.
- We’ve published updated guidance on use of telephone and video hearings to ensure the essential work of our courts and tribunals continue
- Jury trials that are underway continue but there are no new jury trials
- Crown Courts are only covering urgent work
- Magistrates’ courts are only covering urgent work (overnight custody and people brought from prison). . We’re continuing to work closely with partner agencies across the criminal justice system to put in place processes that will enable us to expand the range of work undertaken as soon as we can do so. We’ll provide further updates once we are in a position to start put these arrangements in place
- We’re continuing to avoid physical hearings and arranging remote hearings wherever possible
- We’ve introduced temporary new hours in our Scotland contact centre.
- The High Court is covering work according to the High Court Contingency Plan. The Court of Appeal is only covering urgent work.
- The Royal Courts of Justice Fees Office has temporarily closed.
- We’ve suspended all ongoing housing possession action
- Staff and judges are continuing in their essential work
- Judicial Office has published a number of important updates by jurisdiction