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Attorney General’s Panels of Civil Counsel ‘Widening the Pool’ Event

Enterprise Chambers will be hosting the Attorney General’s Panels of Civil Counsel ‘Widening the Pool’ Event

Tuesday 13 September 2022 at 5pm

Enterprise Chambers
4-5 College Green

This is an event aimed at those who are thinking about applying in the next Regional Panel competitions opening on Thursday 8 September 2022 or who just want the chance to find out more.

The Attorney-General has civil Panels of Counsel based on the circuits in the Regions. These panels are approved to undertake government work.

Claire Francis, Joint Legal Director, of the Employment Group in the Government Legal Department) will provide information about the work of the panels and the appointment process.

A current Regional Panel member will discuss their own experiences of panel work, in particular the types of cases they have undertaken during their time on the Panels and their experience of the application process.

For further information and to reserve a place please contact;

Elaine Browning

020 7210 1353