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Year of Call: 1995


T: 020 7405 9471

Clerk: Duane Hitchman

Clerk: Kenya Mendoza


Ed is a leading property junior with expertise in all areas of real property and landlord and tenant. With a solid grounding in insolvency law and practice, he also specialises in property-related insolvency matters, together with professional negligence litigation arising from property transactions.

He combines an intellectual rigour and sharp analytical mind with a commercial and practical approach to problems.  Noted for both his written and oral advocacy, his practice is litigation-focused but he also frequently advises on transactional matters and issues arising on prospective developments.

He is diligent and hardworking, always conscious of clients’ needs and deadlines.  A strong believer in the role of the Bar in providing pro bono services in appropriate cases to meet the gap left by the withdrawal of civil legal aid,  he is a reviewer for Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit) – and has run the London Marathon to fundraise for the organisation.

In 2020, Edward Francis was appointed Deputy Master of the Chancery Division.

  • Excellent attention to detail. Thorough written analysis and helpfully summarised advice. Pragmatic solutions offered

    Legal 500
  • He is someone to go to for a firm opinion - he doesn't sit on the fence and I know he will have thought about all the tricky bits

    Chambers and Partners
  • Ed has a great intellect and technical ability. He knows his law when it comes to property/insolvency

    Legal 500
  • His advice is digestible and he is very skillful and commercially minded

    Chambers and Partners
  • He's fantastic. A superb advocate who is incredibly clever

    Chambers and Partners
  • The barrister of choice to bottom out a tricky property problem

    Legal 500
  • Very approachable and good at explaining the legal side of things to clients, but he also keeps in mind what the client wants and the commercial realities of the case. He expresses himself very well on paper and is also an excellent advocate.

    Chambers and Partners
  • Gives very commercial and user-friendly advice and he is also excellent on his feet in the courtroom

    Chambers and Partners
  • He gets to the heart of the problem swiftly and can pull rabbits out of hats. He will produce a novel solution to a problem that no one else has thought of.

    Chambers & Partners
  • A terrific barrister, who is very helpful and responsive... He is exceptional at cross-examination.

    Chambers & Partners
  • The best kept secret at the property Bar; he has an outstanding intellect and excellent judgement.

    Legal 500
  • He has extensive knowledge and will know the name of a case and the section of the statute just like that. He spots what other people don’t spot

    Chambers & Partners
  • He is very quick at turning around work, and is on top of everything.

    Chambers & Partners
  • On his feet, he is patient and relentless and also extremely economical. His written work is thorough and creative.

    Chambers & Partners
  • He provides a sterling service and assistance.

    Legal 500,
  • He is very smooth and knows his stuff.

    Chambers & Partners
  • He is very calm and measured.

    Chambers & Partners
  • He has in-depth knowledge of esoteric legal points that others might pass by.

    Chambers & Partners
  • Exceptionally intelligent and thorough while at the same time being commercially minded, with excellent client care.

    Legal 500
  • He is clever, approachable and often finds a novel way of solving difficult problems.

    Chambers UK
  • He has excellent judgement and is first-rate intellectually.

    Chambers UK
  • Technically outstanding on property questions and highly persuasive on his feet.

    Chambers UK
  • He has an in-depth knowledge of property and Chancery law, and is exceptionally good with clients.

    Legal 500
  • I have total trust in him. He is quick in turnaround, good with clients, thorough and accurate

    Chambers UK
  • He is one of the best technical lawyers on paper and an advocate of exceptional quality

Practice Areas

Significant Cases

Career and Associations

Pembroke College, Oxford, 1st class honour degree, Literae Humaniores (Greek and Latin Literature, Philosophy)

Called to the Bar 1995; undertook 12 month pupillage in Chambers

Active member of the Chancery Bar Association and Property Bar Association

Reviewer for Advocate (formerly known as the Bar Pro Bono Unit) responsible for undertaking reviews of applications for pro bono assistance to determine whether claims meet eligibility criteria

Competitive cyclist and cross-country runner


Contributing author of Butterworth’s Property Insolvency

Contributing author of Butterworth’s Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation

Regular contributor to Estates Gazette Q&A series, PLC Blog and Lexis PSL