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Enterprise Chambers Invites Applications For Tenancy In All Locations

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Samuel is a member of Chambers’ London branch. He has a strong commercial chancery practice, and regularly deals with cases which have insolvency and property aspects, and which involve fraud and asset tracing.

He is a skilled advocate who frequently appears as sole counsel in the High Court and County Court. He has been led on a number of substantial high-profile cases, including in the Court of Appeal. He accepts instructions in all of Chambers’ main practice areas.

He has been listed as a “Rising Star” in the Legal 500 for insolvency in 2023 and 2024.

Samuel has been appointed by the Attorney General to the London B Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown, commencing on 1 September 2024 for 5 years.

Highlights include:

  • Acting since 2019 as first junior for a company in liquidation in multiple proceedings involving complex fraud, asset tracing, and enforcement; appearing in multi-week trials, and multi-day hearings, in the Commercial Court.
  • A 3-day appeal in the Court of Appeal concerning the law of remedies, in particular equitable compensation and accounts of profits.
  • Resisting a 5-day strike out/summary judgment application in the High Court in a claim involving breach of directors’ duties and dishonest assistance.

Samuel was called to the Bar in 2018, coming top of the Lincoln’s Inn cohort. Before undertaking pupillage at Chambers, Sam obtained a Distinction and a prize on the BCL at the University of Oxford, and graduated top of his year in Law at Queen Mary University of London.

  • Sam is very good and quick to get to the point. His style is co-operative.

    Legal 500

Practice Areas

Significant Cases

Career and Associations

Appointed by the Attorney General to the London B Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown.

Chancery Bar Association

Commercial Bar Association

Property Bar Association

Young Fraud Lawyers Association

Called to the Bar (2018) - Lincoln's Inn

Bar Professional Training Course (2017-18) Outstanding: ranked 3rd in the UK; Lincoln's Inn Student of the Year Prize 2018, and a Buchanan Prize.

Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL), The University of Oxford (2016-17) Distinction: awarded the Oxford Law Faculty Prize for Constitutional Theory.

Law (LLB Hons), Queen Mary University of London (2014-16) First Class: ranked 1st in year; awarded The Professor Sir Roy Goode Prize for Best First Class Degree, The Principal's Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement, and The Land Law Prize.

Philosophy and Theology (BA Hons), The University of Oxford (2011-14): awarded The Emmanuelle Prize for Academic Achievement.

Recipient of Lord Brougham, Hardwicke, Sir Thomas More, and Eastham Scholarships from Lincoln's Inn.


Contributor to The Landlord and Tenant Factbook (Chapter 8B: Tenants’ Remedies)

Tenancy Deposits in Flat Shares: Sturgiss v Boddy [2021] – Practical Law Property Litigation Column, August 202

Exceptions to the Without Prejudice Rule: Berkeley Square Holdings v Lancer Property Asset Management Limited

It is “Akkurate” to say that the English Court has jurisdiction to make extra-territorial orders under S.236 of the IA 1986 against EU resident parties.

Security for Costs for Security for Costs? – INSOL, July 2020