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Members of the Enterprise CDDA team have considerable experience acting for directors in defending disqualification proceedings, including during pre-action investigations, interim applications to strike out or clarify allegations of unfitness, disqualification undertakings, Carecraft summary disposal, defending directors at trial and applications under section 17 CDDA for permission to act as a director.

A number of our members are panel counsel and they regularly act for the Secretary of State, the Official Receiver and their solicitor agents in disqualification proceedings brought against directors. Jeremy Bamford, Chris Brockman, Daisy Brown, and Amit Gupta are appointed to the Attorney General’s Regional Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown.

Stephen Davies KC has appeared in the majority of reported cases concerning “fairness” in directors’ disqualification litigation and is one of the most experienced barristers in the UK appearing in directors disqualification trials, having been a contributor to Mithani on Directors’ Disqualification (Butterworths).

Jeremy Bamford is a contributing editor to one of the leading textbooks on directors’ disqualification and bankruptcy restriction orders – Mithani: Directors’ Disqualification (Lexis Nexis).

Significant Cases