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Chair: Stephen Davies QC
Address: Bristol Law Society, Bristol

Speakers & Topics:

Kavan Gunaratna Property-Insolvency Case Law Update

Kavan will review key cases and legislative developments that all practitioners in the property/insolvency field should be aware of.

Claire ThompsonMastering Possession & Sale Applications

Claire will identify common pitfalls and traps for the unwary, for practitioners dealing with Trustee’s applications for possession and sale

Amit GuptaSection 127 in the Property Context

Amit will unravel Akers v Samba and consider other thorny issues posed by the application of sections 127 and 284 IA 1986 in the property and trusts context


Each seminar will commence at 6:30pm with registration from 6pm, and drinks and networking afterwards from 7:30pm.

Email invitations for each seminar will be sent out in due course, with registration on a first come first serve basis.

If you have any queries in respect of the seminar programme then please contact the clerks at who will be happy to help.