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Seminar – Will challenges: Capacity, knowledge, undue influence and COVID-19

Abha Pandya will be speaking at a STEP seminar on Will Challenges.

This talk will be looking at the relationship between three types of challenges to the validity of a will – lack of testamentary capacity, want of knowledge and approval and undue influence – by an examination of the leading authorities, and examples of recent cases, including an examination of some of the legal themes in this area arising after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Talk focus areas:

• Capacity vs testamentary capacity
• Want of knowledge and approval
• Undue Influence – a difficult claim?
• Fraud – in brief – types of fraud and recent cases
• The kitchen sink – when pleading everything you can works and when it doesn’t.
• Some observations following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event is hosted by STEP and will take place on 22nd February 2023 at the Leonardo Hotel in Brighton.

To book, please click here